Help & Support

The University Libraries offer an outstanding array of information resources, technologies, services and people to support the academic and creative achievements of our students, faculty, staff and community members.

  • Ask a Librarian
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    LINKT is the University Libraries new initiative to provide a broad array of resources and services to support UB faculty, staff, teaching assistants, graduate, and undergraduate students. The LINKT group is multifaceted to serve your needs. Contact us for assistance with lesson planning and guidance on using the most effective instructional technology methods for your course work and projects.
  • Faculty Support
    The University Libraries provide a broad array of resources and services to support UB faculty and teaching assistants. The subject librarian for your department, school, or research center is available to discuss Libraries' resources and services for your research and teaching, and for the students you teach. Please contact your librarian today.
  • Off Campus Access
    UB students, faculty and staff have off-campus access to many databases and e-journals.
  • Login Troubleshooting
    If you are unable to access library resources via your UBIT login, please read through all the troubleshooting below:
  • EndNote Software
    The University at Buffalo Libraries are providing EndNoteā„¢ citation management software to UB's academic community. The UB site license for EndNoteā„¢ is funded by the University at Buffalo Libraries, with partial support from the Technology Fee. EndNote software eligibility.