photo of Jill Hackenberg

Jill Hackenberg

Sciences Librarian

117 Lockwood Memorial Library, North Campus
Buffalo, NY 14260

  • Ph: 716-645-1339

Department Liaison

Department of Computer Science and Engineering (in SEAS)


Coordinator, Instant Librarian Chat Reference Service
Responsible for coordinating all activities of the Instant Librarian Chat Reference Service. 

Computer Science and Engineering Librarian, Science & Engineering Information Center, Lockwood Library, University at Buffalo
Provide specialized research assistance and library instruction in computer science and engineering (CSE). Serve as faculty liaison to UB's CSE department. 

Genealogy Librarian, Lockwood Library, University at Buffalo
Provide specialized research assistance and library instruction in genealogy, ancestry and family history research.


Education and Training

  • MLS Master of Library Science 1990, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA
  • BS Psychology 1989, University of Pittsburgh, minors in Geology and French


1990-1996: University of Houston Libraries, Houston TX


Chatting with Library Patrons, Dec 2023 1 hour webinar Webinar

Boost Your Library's Customer Service with Virtual Chat Reference, with Kim Plassche. June 2020 1 hour webinar Webinar

The Nuts, Bolts, and Teaching Opportunities of Real-Time Reference, with Laura Taddeo, in College and Undergraduate Libraries, 13(3) August 2006:63-85 Article

Why Does One Choose Sci-Tech Librarianship? Findings of a Survey, with Barbara Chu, in Science & Technology Libraries, 23(1) 2004:3-16 Article

Who Chooses Sci-Tech Librarianship?, in College and Research Libraries, 61(5) 2000:441-450 Article 

About the Web: Selected Magazines and Journals for Academic Librarians, with Marilyn Moody, in Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 4(2) 1999:79-93 Article



  • Examining the reasons why librarians choose science & technology librarianship as a career.
  • The evolution and implementation of chat reference services in academic libraries.
  • Training reference librarians in chat services best practices.
  • Mentoring and career preparation for graduate students in Library/Information Science.
  • DNA genetics research tools as applied to genealogy and family tree inheritance research.